Beta version

Family Fund Rules

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444

Based on the System of Associations and National Institutions issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (61) dated 18/02/1437H and its Executive Regulations issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (74393) dated 11/06/1437H

The Fund consists of the following bodies:

  1. Board of Trustees.
  2. The Permenant and Provisional Committees established by the Council. The resolution shall specify its competence and functions.
  3. Executive Management.

The Fund shall be managed by a Board of Trustees, as the selection of them shall be fulfilled by the following conditions:

  1. Saudi.
  2. Fully qualified.
  3. Not less than 21 years of age.
  4. He has not been sentenced to a final sentence of conviction for a crime that violates honor and honesty.
  5. The Ministry shall not object the candidature.

To view the full text of the regulation, please download the attached file.

you can view the Basic Regulations for Family Fund in Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers by clicking here

About Procedure

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