نسخة تجريبية

Index Definition

The index aims to measure government agencies’ commitment to link and provide their functional data with HRSD according to the functional groups identified by HRSD, in addition to updating and documenting the functional data of employees and jobs as well as adopting the job budgets set for each entity at the beginning of each fiscal year. All these aim at ensuring the completeness of data with HRSD and the authorities, verification of their integrity, which will help to take the necessary and correct decisions. The index is an equation that contains four components, as follows:

Electronic connectivity and data provision: Government agencies are required to automatically engage with HRSD to bring the approved functional data sets. The weight of this compound is estimated at 40%. The compound values are read from “Compliance” service for electronic connect.

Updating employee data: Government agencies shall update the historical and current employee data in HRSD records, in addition to measuring the interaction of human resources specialists with the update requests, as the weight of this compound is estimated at 35%, and the values of the compound are read from “Functional Data” service.

Documenting HR Operations: Government agencies shall document HR operations related to functional groups within 30 days from the operation date, as the weight of this compound is estimated at 15%, and the compound values are read from the “Operations Documentation” service.

Budget approval: Government agencies shall review and approve the budget within 60 days from the date of reporting the budget to government agencies, as the weight of this compound is estimated at 10%, and the compound values are read from the “Job Audit service.

Index attribution:

The royal decree stipulates that:

We have reviewed His Highness the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers' letter No. (1764) dated 24/2/1441AH. concerning the dealing contained in the letter of His Excellency the Minister of Civil Service No. (24272) dated 30/08/1440 H, concerning the Ministry's action for automatic linkage between it and the government agencies to integrate functional information about employees and jobs. They adopted the following:

First: To emphasize the following to government agencies for:

 Completing the electronic linking operations with HRSD within (120) days, with an emphasis on adherence to NCA regulations and standards.


 Managing HR operations through electronic services provided by HRSD and suspending paper transactions within (120) days.

Building a database for the employees of the main and subsidiary entities.

Second: The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Civil Service will complete the electronic link to match employee and job data in the budget with HRSD records within (120) days, with an emphasis on adherence to NCA controls and standards.

Third: The National Center for Performance Measurement “ADAA” has developed an indicator of quality of functional data in government agencies to be measured by ADAA in coordination with the Ministry of Civil Service. The actual values of the indicator are provided by the Ministry of Civil Service.

Fourth: The Ministry of Civil Service shall submit periodic reports on the extent of the commitment of government agencies.

Index Calculation Method

Functional data quality index in government agencies = Component -1 (40%) + Component -2 (35%) + Component -3 (15%) + Component - 4 (10%)


1. Component -1 (40%): linkage method (15%) + data gathering (15%) + data set (70%). Details and processing comments of this component can be viewed through the electronic services provided to your HR specialists.

2. Component -2 (35%): Updating data in databases (70%) + interaction of HR specialists with requests (30%).


3. Component -3 (15%): Percentage of documented transactions in the databases within a month from the date of the transaction.

It is calculated as follows: Percentage of transactions documented in less than 30 days = number of transactions that were documented in less than 30 days from the date of the transaction ÷ number of transactions that were documented in the same month.

4. Component - 4 (10%) Percentage of government agencies accrediting and auditing their jobs within 60 days of notification to government agencies of jobs in the fiscal year, as it is measured once in the fiscal year.


It is calculated as follows: Percentage of government agencies accrediting and auditing their jobs within 60 days of notification = number of jobs that have been approved ÷ number of jobs that must be approved in the entity’s budget

Index Measurement Methodology

When measuring the index, government agencies are divided into two parts:


1. Parties to which all index components apply: All index’s components are applied to entities that have cadres in HRSD, such as ministries, universities, and others.


Government agencies that have administrative records in the public office, such as:

Ministries and their organizational affiliation - such as emirates - municipalities - secretariats - etc...

2. Entities to which the first component only applies: The first component is measured only on entities that do not have cadres in HRSD, such as public entities and presidencies.


Government agencies that do not have administrative records in the public office and whose human resources are managed independently.


Index card:

The index measures the quality of government agency employees data by measuring the percentage of the entity's electronic link to HRSD, providing job data, measuring commitment to updating historical and current employee data, and documenting HR dealings related to job groups. Finally, review and approve the budget related to the functional cadres.

Index equation: Functional Data Quality Index in government agencies = (1st component x 40%) + (2nd component x 35%) + (3rd component x 15%) + (4th component x 10%)


Baseline value: It is the value of the first measure of the index, at the first quarter of 2020.

Measure frequency: Quarterly

Measure unit: Percentage      

Data Source: HRSD (electronic services)

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