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HRSD holds Annual Internal Audit Meeting

Publication date: 18 June 2023 - 29 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1444

The HRSD, represented by the General Management of Internal Audit, held the annual internal audit meeting which coincides with the Internal Audit Awareness Month in the presence of the managers of internal audit departments and units of HRSD areas and branches.

The meeting, held in the HRSD Burau in Riyadh, aimed at exchanging information on internal audit updates and discussing the most eminent challenges which face internal audits inside the HRSD along with the Ministry’s future initiatives and plans and the goals achieved for assessing the controls of monitor, governance and risk management.

The subjects of the meeting included four main subjects, represented by the definition of the internal audit strategy over the upcoming years, the presentation of the most important feedbacks from all departments involved in audits, complaint investigations, and inspection visits along with ensuring its integrity.

In addition, the HRSD, through this meeting, seeks to achieve several outcomes, including making its employee aware of the internal audit strategy and phases and announcing the best initiatives which contribute to developing the internal audit employees and processes and sharing the professional development updates with internal audit departments in the government authorities along with acquaintance with the best practices for achieving the HRSD’s strategic goals.

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