Beta version

Salary Management System

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
شعار وزارة الموارد

The Saudi labor market lacks the tools that organize the monthly settlement of the salaries and wages of the Saudis who work for the private sector in a way that ensures the rights of the contracted parties .Therefore the salary managment system seeks seriuosly to provide the required programs that boost the governmental agencies, particularly the MLSD through following up the settlement of the monthly salaries of the private sector firms and verifying that those firms adhere to the settlement of all the amounts of money due to their affiliated employees.

About initiative

business sector

Wage protection

The wages protection program observes the processes of the wages payment for all the labors (whether males or females) in the private sector establishments ( for both the Saudis & foreigners) in order...