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The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development announces the imminent implementation of the sixteenth phase of the Wages Protection Program, starting from August 1

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
وزارة الموارد البشرية والتنمية الاجتماعية تُعلن عن قرب تطبيق المرحلة السادسة عشر من برنامج حماية الأجور اعتبارًا من 1 أغسطس

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development announces the imminent implementation of the sixteenth phase of the wage protection program for establishments whose employment ranges between 5 to 10 workers, starting from August 1, 2020 AD, and through this program the Ministry aims to provide an appropriate and safe work environment in the private sector And raising the level of transparency and preserving the rights of the contracting parties.

The Ministry stresses the need for all establishments to adhere to the wages protection program, and to raise the wage file on a monthly basis to avoid incurring violations.

It is worth noting that establishments can adhere to the program’s requirements according to the procedures described on the ministry’s website or by visiting the “Madad” platform via the following link:

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