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The" MLSD" 418 Teachers (males and females) Offer Refreshing Tuitions at the Shelter houses and Orphanages

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية: 418 معلماً ومعلمة يقدمون دروس التقوية في الدور الإيوائية ودور الأيتام

".The MLSD represented in the activities and programs management in the social welfare and the family today has launched the second school term refreshing tuition in the shelter housing, branches,and the orphanage.
The Deputy of soical welfare Dr. Naif Mohammed AL-Sabahi said that the program aims to upgrade the educational level of the students included in the social welfare in the shelter branches at the home child care , guidance and girls care institutions and the shelter houses and the guest host in Riyadh, Jeddah in addition to those who are included in the orphanage in order to enable them to the achieve the postive hoped results. Dr. AL-Sabhi has indicated that the program of the refreshing tuition will be directed to the stujdents who are included with the care in different regions in K.S.A through allocating 418 teachers(males and females) by the Ministry to follow up with the students. Al-Sabahi has emphasized the importance of the academic side as a part of the educational process, and that the refreshing courses programs have a great influence in improving the academic level of the students included in the welfare, stressing the importance of activating the program for the second school term in accordance with the mechanism and the parameters set by the Ministry and the continuous following up by the Ministry's branches in all K.S.A regions to achieve the program targets..