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HRSD to prohibit work under the sun’s rays as of 15 June

Publication date: 18 June 2023 - 29 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1444
شعار انجليزي

HRSD, in collaboration with the National Council of Occupational Safety and Health, commences applying the Ministerial Decree No. (3337), dated 15/07/1435 H (14/05/2014 AD) on prohibiting work under the sun’s rays, from 12:00 at noon to 03:00 pm, to all private-sector organizations, as of Thursday, 26 Dhu al-Qadah 1444 H., corresponding to15 June 2023 AD, until 30 Safar 1445 H., corresponding to 15 September 2023 AD.

This Decree has been issued in the context of maintaining private-sector workers’ safety and health, protecting workers against health risks and providing them with a healthy and secure working environment based on the global standards of occupational safety and health.

 The HRSD urges upon employers the necessity for organizing working hours and observing the provisions of the Decree in order to contribute to providing a safe working environment and improving the level of efficiency and protection equipment for reducing occupational injuries and diseases and protecting workers against accidents. In turn, this will be reflected on improving and increasing the productivity.

 The HRSD published, on its website, the Procedural Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health For preventing the Effects of Exposure to Direct Sun and Heat Stress 2021.

Violations of the Decree, on prohibiting work under the sun, can be reported by contacting the HRSD’s hotline (19911) or via the HRSD’s smart phone application.

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