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"Labor and Social Development" emphasizes its keenness to provide services to beneficiaries of day care centers through partnership with Education through Noor

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
"العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية" تؤكد حرصها على تقديم الخدمات للمستفيدين من مراكز الرعاية النهارية عبر الشراكة مع "التعليم" من خلال نظام نور

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development confirmed that it is keen to provide its services to the beneficiaries of the day care centers in various regions with high quality and easily through the integration and partnership with the Ministry of Education through the electronic link project with Noor system, in order to provide services in the interest of the sons and daughters of the homeland . The Ministry said that it seeks through the electronic registration system to ensure the right of citizens to register in the centers, commensurate with their absorptive capacity, explaining that their relationship with the daycare centers is strategic and complementary, calling at the same time beneficiaries in all regions to initiate the update of their data, To integrate with society. The Ministry has opened the registration for admission to day care centers for the academic year (1440/1441 AH) and will continue until 6 Shawwal of this year. The Ministry has allowed those wishing to join the centers to register through the Ministry's electronic portal without the need to register. Visit support services centers for people with disabilities.

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