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"Labor and Social Development" launches a campaign of one million volunteers on 25 April to spread the culture of volunteerism and raise awareness of its importance and impact on the individual, organizations and society

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
‎"العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية" تطلق حملة المليون متطوع في 25 أبريل لنشر ثقافة العمل التطوعي ورفع الوعي بأهميته وأثره على الفرد والمنظمات والمجتمع

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development announced the launch of the one million volunteers campaign to raise the level of voluntary work in various regions of the Kingdom and to complete the voluntary initiatives and initiatives emanating from the National Transformation Program and the Kingdom's Vision 2030. The human form of the word (volunteer) for registration in the Guinness Book of Records on the link dedicated to it,, and will be implemented on Thursday, 25 April 2019, from 4 pm to 8:30 pm, Faculty in a mosque Princess Nora girl Abdul Rahman, will also be calculated and documented volunteer hours in recognition of their volunteer, and girls less than 16 years old must bring parental consent. The Ministry also works to activate the programs and initiatives (the goal of encouraging volunteering) in professional and high quality ways to organize and enable voluntary work through several initiatives. Among its projects is the launch of the National Volunteer Portal, which is the first of its kind in the Kingdom. Secure and organize the relationship between the providers of volunteer opportunities and volunteers and has several advantages.

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