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Prince of the Riyadh Region sponsors the first forum for children's hospitality centers in the presence of the Minister of Labor and Social Development

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
سمو أمير منطقة الرياض يرعى الملتقى الأول لمراكز ضيافة الأطفال بحضور وزير العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية

His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Riyadh, has sponsored the first forum for children's hospitality centers under the slogan "Our hospitality is safe for our children." In the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Labor and Social Development Eng. Ahmed Bin Suleiman Al Rajhi, Social development on Wednesday at the King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue. The Prince of the Riyadh region opened the exhibition accompanying the forum and toured His Highness. His Highness took his place in the ceremony which opened with verses from the Holy Quran followed by the child Abdullah Al Qahtani. Then a group of children gave a welcoming song followed by a national poem by Abdulaziz Al Issa. On a visual presentation of children's guest centers. The Minister of Social Development, Mr. Sulaiman Al-Zubin, delivered a speech in which he said that the establishment of the ministry for this forum comes to highlight the importance of children's hospitality centers and their positive role in the service of the family and children, as well as review the main obstacles facing the field of children's hospitality. Provided by these centers. Mr. Al-Zebain stressed the ministry's support for the activities of the hospitality centers and investors, expanding the establishment of these centers to create the right environment for our children, and empowering working and studying women to increase their productivity. He pointed out that the ministry is currently working on developing the rules governing children's centers, Safety and Quality of Service, followed by a number of words for the Social Development Bank and Human Resources Development Fund (AIM). At the end of the ceremony, the Amir of the Riyadh Region honored a number of centers for children's hospitality, such as the Mawaheb Center for Children's Hospitality, the Amana Center for Child Care and Care, and the Beti II Center for Children's Hospitality. Then, the forum started with a dialogue session with three of the successful centers in the hospitality of the children. Then two workshops were held for the female investors in the children's guest centers and technical committees in the social development centers. The first workshop was held on " "Administrative and Technical Procedures for Child Guest Centers". One of the main objectives of the forum is to promote the value concepts of child care in the framework of the services provided by the children's guest centers, and to identify the difference in the concept of care between the children's guest centers and the Ministry of Education incubators. The definition of the organizational procedures for the establishment and operation of children's guest centers, the marketing of the feasibility of establishing and operating children's guest centers with legal persons and investors in the framework of social responsibility, building complementary partnerships between the relevant parties and supporting the roles of children's guest centers, And empowering women to play their role in serving the community by providing employment opportunities in the area of ​​child care.

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