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Ministry of Labor and Social Development The forum will be held with the introduction of security services and programs for families of orphans

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
وزارة العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية تعقد الملتقى التعريفي بخدمات الضمان وبرامجه للأسر الكافلة للأيتام

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development, represented by the Social Welfare and Family Agency, in coordination with the Social Security Office of Women in East Riyadh, held a "Social Security Services Introductory Forum and its support programs for families of orphans" in the compound of the ministry compound in Deraiyah. The meeting began with verses from the Holy Quran. Then the director of the families department, Amal Al-Subeihi, gave a welcoming speech to the foster mothers and their children, may God's prayers and peace be upon them, to help them to fulfill their noble human mission in nurturing and nurturing a high class of sound social education according to the teachings of our true religion. Their community and their homeland. She thanked the Social Security Office in East Riyadh for their cooperation and participation in the meeting. The deputy director of Social Security for Women in East Riyadh, Nouf Al-Dosari, and specialists Noura Al-Atani and Siham Al-Suwaili presented a briefing to families who are acquainted with the executive regulations of the social security system, especially the system materials that help and motivate empowerment and involvement in the labor market to help families prepare children to enter the labor market and find job opportunities. Appropriate to them. At the end of the meeting, they listened to the mothers' questions and answered their questions. The meeting was attended by more than 100 women. It is worth mentioning that the ministry's contract for this meeting comes as an extension to its efforts to create the social and natural environment suitable for the children and daughters who are vaccinated in accordance with the regulations guaranteeing their safety and stability, which helps them to integrate into society as an integral part thereof.

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