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MHRSD Ranks Second in Website Performance Efficiency and Digital Content

Publication date: 31 December 2023 - 18 Jumada al-thani 1445

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development ranked second in the Website Performance Efficiency and Digital Content. This ranking was announced at the two-day Digital Government Forum held by the Digital Government Authority in Riyadh, under the Theme "Our Future is now", which was attended by  a number of government entities, specialists and decision makers at the local and international levels. The award was received by Deputy Minister for Customer Experience H.E. Mr. Raeed bin Abdulaziz Al-Jarba.

The Award was given to the Ministry in recognition of its efforts and strategy in the field of digital transformation, which aim to achieve excellence, improve customer experience and provide cognizance and digital content in the various sectors it oversees, namely: "Labor, Social Development, Civil Service, and Shared Services". The Ministry’s website, which was designed according to local and international standards, provides a set of services that feature the latest technologies recommended by international expertise, in order to create a smooth and comfortable experience that contributes to enhancing the quality of life and creating a unique customer experience.  

Deputy Minister for Customer Experience H.E. Mr. Raeed bin Abdulaziz Al-Jarba indicated that the digital transformation of the Ministry's services, including the website, contributed to the Kingdom's higher global ranking on the Digital Government Index. The Ministry's strategy in the digital field also lowered the number of customers’ visits to branches by 74%, improved and enhanced the customer experience digitally. He added that, following the adoption of digital transformation, the Kingdom has enhanced productivity, efficiency and achievement.

The MHRSD has received several awards and honors for its digital excellence, bit at the government level and regional level, including the Digital Human resources Award at the GCC Government Human Resources Summit among 200 GCC government and private entities.

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