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MLSD organizes 4th Islamic Conference of Labour Ministers with participation of 56 OIC countries

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
بمشاركة 56 دولة.. "العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية" تنظِّم الدورة الرابعة لوزراء العمل في الدول الأعضاء بـ "منظمة التعاون الإسلامي"


In cooperation with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Ministry of Labor and Social Development organizes the 4th Session of the Islamic Conference of Labour Ministers from 21-22 February 2018, in Jeddah.


The conference will be attended by officials from 56 member states countries and representatives from regional and international organizations to explore labor market challenges occurring in the OIC countries and ways to generate and sustain job opportunities along with exchanging information on policies and successful programs.


At the conference, the labour ministers will address the OIC Labor Market Strategy, the OIC Agreement on Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of Skilled Workforce and the OIC Recommended Bilateral Agreement on Exchange of Manpower.


Additionally, the participants will shed light on the Execution of Youth Employment Support (YES) Programme and other related activities, the Activities within the framework of OIC Occupational Safety and Health Network (OIC-OSHNET) and the OIC Public Employment Services Network (OIC-PESNET)


The officials will attend the signing ceremony of the Statute of OIC Labour Centre.



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