MLSD implements awareness programs in shopping centers in bid to educate employers and domestic workers about rights and duties
Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444The Ministry of Labor and Social Development (MLSD) implemented recently an awareness program in several shopping centers in the Riyadh Region and Eastern Region in a bid to raise awareness and educate employers and domestic workers about their rights and duties mentioned in the Domestic Labor Regulation. Labor education officials at MLSD briefed malls’ visitors on rights and duties of domestic workers and employers mentioned in the Labor Regulation for Domestic Workers and Their Similar Categories as well as obligations between the two parties and how to regulate the relationship between them. Additionally, the visitors got information on penalties resulting from breach of the regulation, mechanisms to settle disputes between the two parties, and the ministerial decisions, and they also received educational flyers. Currently, the MLSD team is present in Al Hamra Mall in Riyadh and Dhahran Mall in the Eastern Region from December 2 to 9, 2017. Under the emblem of ‘Towards Conscious Labor Market’, the ministry has launched ‘Work Consciously’ program aimed at educating employers and domestic workers with legal rights and duties mentioned as well as protecting their rights.