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MLSD represents a paper on ‘The National Strategic Program for OSH’ at Civil Defense Workshop

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
وزارة العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية تعرض ورقة عمل "البرنامج الوطني الاستراتيجي للسلامة والصحة المهنية" في ورشة عمل (الدفاع المدني)

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development and its occupational health and safety department represented a paper titled ‘The National Strategic Program for OSH’ at the workshop on Tuesday, which was under the auspices of Lt. Gen. Sulaiman al-Amr, director-general of the General Directorate of Civil Defense

The paper, which was presented by Director-General for the Development of Work Environment at MLSD Eng. Ali al-Ghamdi, addressed the status of OSH in the private-sector establishments in the light of the intervention of the legislative, organizational and inspecting work among government entities.

The paper also shed light on the number of work injuries and incurred expenses, as well as explored the effect of increasing recruitment of Saudi nationals during the last years on the risk compensation and benefits.

Additionally, Eng. Al-Ghamdi addressed the ministry’s strategic vision to develop the status of OSH, enhance awareness among workers and employers, enhance resources and skills of national cadres to raise the level of OSH, develop regulations and systems, enhance inspection and involve related entities to work on the OSH file.

At the workshop, the framework of the OSH national system was laid out before the participants, which was adopted by the ministry in order to launch further initiatives that go hand in hand with the OSH program’s goals.

Meanwhile, the national strategic program for occupational safety and health is one of the ministry’s programs under the National Transformation 2020 stemming from the Saudi Vision 2030 aiming to generate suitable and quality job opportunities for Saudi nationals.

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