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MLSD deposits SR 398.1m as first payment to NGOs and approved committees

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
وزارة العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية تودع 398.1 مليون ريال دفعة أولى من المنح في 2017 إلى الجمعيات واللجان المعتمدة

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development (MLSD) released the first patch of funds to non-governmental organizations and social development committees, estimated at SR398.1 million.

Dr. Salem Al-Dini, deputy minister for the ministry’s social development sector, the Albir Societies had the biggest share of loans at SR103 million.

These giveaways include loans worth of SR 50 million to a number of charitable entities and another SR10.95 million to those established since 1437 A.H with an additional SR50,000 in order to set up their activities.

Family organizations received SR10.5 million and an additional SR10 million to provide premarital counseling that will be divided based on the number of beneficiaries in each org.

Al-Dini pointed out the ministry offered SR84 million loans for specialized charitable entities, in addition to SR5 million for those that were established 2-3 years ago.

The cooperatives were given SR47 million alongside SR 11.65 million for the NGOs that were established since 1438 A.H. as they had not received loans to set up their activities.

The ministry offered a total of SR66 million to the social development committees, according to the deputy minister.

Meanwhile, the ministry has sought to build the capabilities of the charitable organizations in the non-profit sector and their governance through launching a number of initiatives, a move that would achieve utmost levels of financial soundness, accountability and transparency at these entities.

They aim to up-skill workforce and generate jobs in the sector as per the ambitious plan of the National Transformation Program (NTP) 2020.

These measure are believed to regulate the labor market and develop various pathways of social development including governance of nonprofit organizations, workforce development and job creation in the sector.

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business sector, Social Development Sector
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